GiD — Blog — Plex-Earth


Formidable! Plex-Earth Meets Forma and more, at AU23…

Autodesk University 2023 wasn't just the biggest event in the AEC world – it was a groundbreaking showcase of the AEC future - and Plex-Earth is right at the heart of it!

But first, a hat-tip to Nick…

Nick’s Class was a Sold-Out Success Story – Twice!

Nick Chanakoulas, our Head of Customer Success, started AU23 with his own impressive success, leading a live class that was a total hit by selling out before the conference even started!

The demand was so high that Autodesk set up a rare second session, which, unsurprisingly, also sold out!

Nick’s classes have a well-deserved reputation from previous AUs, so we were hopeful for it to be popular again this year, but we weren’t expecting a packed, 150+ crowd, with some willing to stand at the back without seats!

And check out that ceiling!

This year he was introducing the Geospatially-informed Design framework, created right here by the Plex-Earth team (more about that in a minute…)

That he packed every chair, twice, is a testament to the growing interest in integrating real-world data into project planning, a field where Plex-Earth has always excelled, but above all it’s a tribute to Nick himself. Well done Nick!

The Future of Autodesk’s Ecosystem – Forma

Autodesk's CEO, Andrew Anagnost, kicked off the event by spotlighting Autodesk Forma, the latest addition to the Autodesk family, and arguably the new heart of it.

Forma, a cloud-based AI and generative design tool, is set to revolutionize the future of AEC, and those are not idle words!

It truly is a futuristic platform, based on Spacemaker, which Autodesk acquired in 2020 for $240 million. Forma stands alongside Fusion (for manufacturing) and Flow (for entertainment), creating a triad that represents Autodesk's future vision.

It's primarily designed for use at the early - and thus critical - stages of AEC construction, and complements, not replaces, tools like AutoCAD and Revit.

As Nicolas Mangon, vice president of AEC strategy at Autodesk said in an interview with ENR regarding where Forma will sit in the Autodesk line-up:

"This is not a replacement of Revit, it's a different way of working. Some will still use AutoCAD, others will use Revit, some will use … Forma. Forma is designed to be used at the planning phase of building."

Seeing the bigger picture, then zooming in on the details of early planning is where Plex-Earth has always excelled. Now we're bringing our geospatial expertise right into the heart of this exciting new platform!

Yes, drumroll please…

Plex-Earth is now one of the first 3rd-party extensions ever accepted for Autodesk Forma!

Captured is the moment we were informed Plex-Earth is officially published as a Forma extension!

Pictured above are Andrew Kinaci (center left) and Håkon Dissen (front left) from the Forma team, and from Plex-Earth our CEO Lambros Kaliakatsos (front right) with COO Andreas Bavas doing the antenna fingers behind him!

If you squint, behind Håkon’s shoulder you can also spot Krzysztof (Chris) Jedrzejewski, from Forma. Along with Håkon he helped us a lot with fast-tracking this project – thank you guys!

This integration of Plex-Earth with Forma means more than just convenience; it’s the experience, a seamless, data-rich platform connecting you and your project with the real world, and with everyone involved.

It will enhance your design before the first draft is even created!

When Autodesk Forma meets Plex-Earth it means:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: No more toggling between different applications. Access our data and everything else you need within the Forma ecosystem

  • Data-Driven Decisions: With our premium, updated and historical imagery and data, you make smarter, more informed choices in the early and critical stages of the design process

  • Collaboration Made Easy: Share and collaborate with your own and other teams seamlessly, with all your data and imagery in one place, online!

We’ll be revealing more technical information about the Plex-Earth Forma extension as we finalize documentation, and YES, a free trial is already available!

Our Busy-Bee Booth

Our booth at AU23 was a hive of activity, buzzing with interactions and connections, including some exciting conversations with other big movers in AEC, such as ESRI coming to visit us!

As usual though, we were thrilled to meet you, our end-users face-to-face, exchanging ideas, and sharing experiences!

This direct engagement with you is always the highlight of our presence at Autodesk University, and a key reason why we’re willing to regularly be premium Silver Sponsors of this event.

Pictured is actually one of the quiet moments, when we had time to breath and take a snap!

Geospatially-informed Design (GiD) Handbook – The Smash Hit!

The release of the Geospatially-informed Design framework, and its accompanying handbook, was a runaway success!

We brought 99 printed copies of the handbook, and they were snapped up immediately, with attendees still clamoring for more during Nick’s classes!

The handbook’s popularity just further confirms the demand for data-driven insights in the AEC industry!

YES, we're planning a reprint soon, making it available for purchase – a perfect Christmas gift for senior engineers or a strategic addition to your Zoom background!

In conclusion, AU23 was not just a conference; it was a pivot to a new era in AEC, and a very welcome return to the human contact that makes everything so special.

As Plex-Earth integrates with Forma, we're also a (very proud!) part of this exciting transformation, bringing you enhanced efficiency, data-driven decisions and seamless collaboration.

We're not just riding the wave of the future; we're shaping it, together with Autodesk and you, our incredible community. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy designing!

Quick links:

Geospatially-informed Design (GiD) Handbook released for AU23!

Popular geospatial plugin maker Plex-Earth is releasing a new handbook, laying out the 3 principles of Geospatially-informed Design (while also promising a BIG surprise for AU23 at Las Vegas, of which they are again a Silver Sponsor)…

Weighing in over 170 pages, the handbook is a useful reference and a guide, but at its core it is a statement of principles.

The primary principle is the fact that better inputs allow for better outputs, and here the focus is on how a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the project area allows engineers to create better designs, whilst also avoiding errors.

The 3 principles are:

The Principle of Data Accessibility

“This principle emphasizes the importance of ensuring that geospatial data necessary for informed design decisions is readily available to all relevant stakeholders throughout the AEC project lifecycle.”

The Principle of Field-Design Integration

“This principle emphasizes the importance of establishing mechanisms and practices that enable seamless and timely collaboration between design teams and field personnel throughout the various phases of an AEC project”

The Principle of Sustainable Design Integration

“This principle promotes the seamless integration of geospatial data and design concepts in AEC projects, emphasizing the use of visualization to communicate and illustrate sustainable design strategies. Visualization enhances stakeholder understanding and supports informed decision-making, facilitating the creation of environmentally responsible and visually compelling projects.”

Naturally the AutoCAD plugin Plex-Earth helps greatly with most of the above, as it brings AutoCAD users premium quality satellite and aerial imagery, detailed terrain data and integration with other data services.

Dropped hints and the familiar but wider-than-usual grin of Plexscape CEO Lambros Kaliakatsos suggest a new version, or even an entirely new product, may soon fill the remaining gaps.

He said “We envisioned and developed the Geospatially-informed Design (GiD) framework, with Plex-Earth being the first software built on these principles, tailored to meet the specific needs of designers.”

 “We envisioned and developed the Geospatially-informed Design (GiD) framework, with Plex-Earth being the first software built on these principles” CEO Lambros Kaliakatsos

The handbook will be released publicly at Autodesk University 2023 (AU23).

Pressed for details about any other announcements for the world’s largest annual AEC conference, he simply replied that “Something big is in alpha status, so watch this space!”

Nick Chanakoulas, head of Customer Success, will once again hold a live training session at AU23. This has proven incredibly popular, to the point this year’s course is already sold out and Autodesk have approved the creation of a second one. This puts the course in elite company, as for the entire conference only 7 such courses have been granted this honor. Update: The 2nd course is already fully booked.

Autodesk University 2023 will be held at The Venetian Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, from Monday, November 13th, to Wednesday, November 15th.

Plexscape has booth number 606, which is right by the doorway for food so if you’re attending in person you’re sure to spot them!