Get Plex-Earth for Autodesk Forma for 3 months for FREE!

We’re proud to announce our new version for Autodesk Forma!

And to celebrate, we’re letting you use Plex-Earth in Forma for 3 months (and for up to 10 real projects) if you opt-in until the end of the year - no strings attached (though we do think you’ll be hooked)!

Yes we’re serious; we want to stress-test the system and value your feedback, so this is a great opportunity for you and your projects.

View imagery from Google and Azure, see how things progressed with the vast historical datasets of Airbus and Maxar, create timelines to monitor the progress of your project, preview the ultra-high resolution imagery of Hexagon and Nearmap…

You’ll love it, and you can be part of shaping it’s future development.

Yes, use Plex-Earth for free in up to 10 real-life Forma projects of your choice!

Just leave your contact info below, as we’ll be sending out activation codes soon: